Natural Hot Mineral Spring

This property is in the center of the commercial bath house district with neighbors on three sides that are commercial bath houses - the location of the property is in the city’s hottest water. 

* Water temp 108 degrees

* Water rights date to 1910 giving owner grandfathered rights that preceded rights assigned since

* One of 8 wells in the City of Truth or Consequences drilled in 1910 to this depth aquifer

* Well pipe has a 10” casing providing strong flow (an 8’ x 8’ x 4’ tub fills in 12 minutes)

* Hot spring area is private and fenced, furnished, has auto on evening lighting and a flagstone patio and is canopied by trees and surrounded in white noise making tall grasses

* Tub: 8’ single pour cement square tub, 4” deep, fills in 12 minutes using a remote control

* No scent

* Crystal clear

* Fenced for privacy

* Flagstone patio

* Well can support multiple future tubs